
Pandemic home sales and impact on mobility


These maps are an early data exploration of changes seen over the course of the pandemic in home sales (from [Redfin](https://www.redfin.com/)) and mobility (from [Mapbox](https://www.mapbox.com/movement-data)). Home sales data is aggregated to census tract, and mobility data is aggregated at zoom 18 tile (approximately 100m square grid). At this stage there's some interesting patterns possibly emerging to analyze further for possible correlation with home sales changes, such as decreasing mobility in city centers, increases at health facilities and shopping centers.##
Homes Sold
Homes Sold
[Migration Analysis by Redfin Q3-2021](https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/redfin/viz/MigrationAnalysisbyRedfinQ3-2021/MigrationMap?publish=yes)